About Us

This is the OnCulture story and I'm sticking to it! Mostly...

Welcome to OnCulture! I'm Ryan, your old timey yet modern shop keep and founder/designer of this store. You may (or may not) be asking, "who's this dude and what's his deal?" If you were wondering, here's my deal. 

My story begins with an ending. Having worked in the corporate world for a long time and investing all my focus and effort on benefitting the corporate overlords, I got burnt out and booted despite my investment. A story as old as time yet it keeps being told. I enjoyed my work and the people I worked with, but over time, I didn't get that fulfillment a lot of us are looking for in our day to day. And then, for better or for worse, I was told that there wasn't space for me at my company anymore. This is a nice way of saying they laid me off, but for clarity, we'll just say the quiet part out loud. 

It was jarring, but I can't lie, the break from having to push that proverbial thousand pound bolder up that hill everyday was so refreshing. It felt like my brain had space for my own thoughts again. I got the time to think about what I wanted to do next, and through trial & error, I landed here. On the interwebs. On Shopify. I finally came to the conclusion that I wanted to pursue my interests. I wanted to do something that I could get up for everyday and be excited. I wanted to bet on myself. All that equated to what you see here today. OnCulture Style. 

I love designing. I love being creative. I'm still learning everyday and I don't get it right every time, but I genuinely enjoy what I am doing. What you see here is my new investment. An investment in me, and to creating things I like in the hopes that you'll like it too. Everything you see in this store, I had a hand in creating. Whether that's good or bad, I guess we'll find out. What you can be sure of though is that whatever you decide to buy from this store came from someone who is passionate about what he's doing. 

So that's my story. At least the Cliff Notes version. It's the OnCulture story. Oh, and the name? I named the store and my "brand" OnCulture because I want to create things that people like. Love even! The OnCulture brand should be fun, funny, genuine, sweet sometimes, thoughtful, but mostly funny. If something I create makes you laugh or at least smile, then I'd say I'm on point, on topic, on it....OnCulture. See what I did there?